It's midnight, there is school work to be done, there's a bed and a body begging for sleep, yet I can't get one thing off my mind.
I'm in the process of reading a book, Pure Grace by Clark Whitten, it has taken me far too long to read, it just takes so much chewing and time to get the full picture. I was reading it on a plane this summer, and the only reason I tell you that fact is because I feel like all great speakers get such revelation on plane rides. I guess it's something in the air (sorry, bad joke).
ANYwaaay, Clark proposes this question: "Where on earth does God live?"of course being the perfect Christian child I am I immediately thought to myself, "Well, duh Jesus lives in my heart!" as I continued reading Clark said my thought exactly. Jesus lives in our hearts...Jesus...The righteous, perfect, son of God lives in me.
Well gee wiz what a crappy place for him to inhabit. I am a terrible person, full of sin, I can never do anything right. Shoot, how can something so perfect live in something so...far from perfect.
Well here's where my boy Clark throws the curveball. He says, "It is of paramount importance that you understand God will not live in a dirty house. He, being the holy God that He is, cannot accommodate sin in His presence. Let me repeat, God will not live in a dirty house."
In 1 Corinthians 6:19 it explains what Clark said, "Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?" Okay cool, learned that at youth camp when they told me not to have sex, do drugs, or get tattoos.
Our bodies, as Christians, are the temple of the Holy Spirit, the dwelling place of the Lord. YES Jesus lives in my heart, and YES He cannot live in a dirty house. NO you are not a crappy, terrible, sin-filled person. YOU are the temple of the Holy Spirit. And YOU are a son/daughter of the one righteous God.
Live in it friends!
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