Sunday, January 20, 2013

sins no more

Here we go, round two. 

Before I begin, read this:

     "The old system under the law of Moses was only a shadow, a dim preview of the good things to come, not the good things themselves. The sacrifices under that system were repeated again and again, year after year, but they were never able to provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship. If they could have provided perfect cleansing, the sacrifices would have stopped, for the worshipers would have been purified once for all time, and their feelings of guilt would have disappeared. But instead, those sacrifices actually reminded them of their sins year after year. For it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. That is why Christ came into the world." Hebrews 10:1-5

Have you ever thought that you might be living under the law of Moses. Still making sacrifices? Maybe you're not killing goats and bulls, but you're reading books and going to conferences searching for that feeling of freedom. Maybe you feel as though your sins are hanging over your head. You know that Christ has forgiven you, but you can't seem to forgive yourself. It's frustrating, I know. But you need to know that doing things will not provide you the perfect cleansing your soul desires. They are reminding you of your sins, year after year, doing after doing. 


That is why Christ came into the world. To free you of the feeling of having to read a book with 7 steps toward freedom. Or going to that conference and having the best of the best pray over you. He came so that you can forgive yourself, let yourself move on. See how he forgave you. See what he did on the cross for you. Receive itReceive what Jesus has done!


Here's where it gets a little bit blurry for a lot of us. You may understand all that was said above, but you can't understand the part in that chapter where it says "I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds." (verse 17)

How can someone forget a sin or lawless deed. 'Cause that's a lot to forget bro. 

Maybe it is a lot to forget, for us. But this is God. 

Oh, right God. Sorry, forgot. But where does it get blurry?

It gets blurry when we jump ahead to Heaven. I grew up in a christian school and have always been taught that on "judgement day" God is going to have a box in his lap and he's going to pull out picture by picture every sin that we have committed and show them to us and then decide if we were good and faithful servants. 


You said He doesn't remember our sins once we receive the perfect sacrifice (Jesus), so how is He going to have a box of all of our sins in His lap. 

Bingo, there ain't no box y'all.  

Okay, so what is this "judgement day" I've heard so much about? Well, let's go back to the verse I used in my last post, 1 John 4:17 "And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world."

Ohhhhhhhh this judgement day I've been so nervous about isn't even for me??

Double Bingo. It's for non-believers, it says that as we live in God (that's me and you, PTL), our love grows more perfect so we won't be afraid on judgment day. It's like we get a fast pass into heaven and don't have to wait in a judgement line because our name is written in the Lamb's Book Of Life. 


Again...WE FREE YO! PTL!!

Thank you JESUS!!

I just want everyone to know that what I post comes from what I received through reading the Bible. Please Please a hundred times please, go read the scriptures for yourself. 

If you have any comments on anything I post please don't hesitate to message me, text me, pull me aside in class. I would love to discuss this stuff with you. If you really like this stuff share it with your friends. Not so I will be celebrated or recognized, but that everyone would experience the freedom there is in Christ. TELL YO PEEPS. Seriously.

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 

Monday, January 14, 2013

as he is, so am i

Hi friends.

Before I start posting anything I'd like to get acquainted with those reading my "blog". First everyone should know I'm nothing fancy. I'm no english major. At the same time I'm no theology major. Just your average college student who is trying to understand the gospel...for myself. I highly encourage you to check out the scriptures for yourself and see what God wants you to see. It's pretty crazy studying the word outside of a script. God has a lot to say. Just listen

I chose the title "free.grace.gunn" because that is my name. It's a little crazy. I know, but it also so wonderful that the gospel is so easily spelled out in my very own name. Free. Grace

Just so we are all on the same page I want to tell you what the "gospel" is. It's actually quite simple. It's Jesus. When I refer to the gospel I am referring to the story of Christ, you know that bro that came and lived the most perfect life and was brutally killed because he loved you so much. Yadda-yadda-ya-ya. We've heard it since we were four in sunday school. I know because I was there with you. I heard it but I never listened. Whoa. Didcha know there's a difference. 

Let's think about it. Think about the sweetest, most tender-hearted, compassionate, loving person you know. We all know one. Mine was the lady that drove my carpool home in elementary school. I don't think that lady even thought a bad thought. She was painfully nice. Well Christ came and was sweeter than carpool lady. He was more tender-hearted than your grandma or that leader you had one time at church camp. He was more perfect than that person you've been trying so hard to be like. He is Righteous. He is Holy. He is Beautiful. He is Perfection. And He is you

Wait, hold up sistah. He is me? That ain't right. 

In 1 John 4:17 it says "By this love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgement, because as He is so are we in this world." I want to point out that last part. As He is so are we in this world. Heyo, that's powerful y'all. As HE is seated on the throne right now, in heaven, so are we in THIS world. 

Yeah-yeah sunday school again. I'm guessing you just heard that one too. As He is so are we in this world. If you believe all that stuff up above that Christ came and lived the perfect life so that we could live our poo-poo lives free of condemnation than He (Jesus) lives in your heart. Like inside of you. In your spirit. Sooo, let's look at that again. As He am I in this world. Is it clicking? 

This is HUGE. Why is it HUGE? Well, think of how the Bible talks about Jesus. Think of how you and your friends discuss Jesus. Think of how you perceive Jesus. THAT'S YOU! God views you as He views Jesus. Spotless. Holy. Faultless. Whole. Righteous. Blameless. Pardoned. You are His. You are the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God through JESUS


I just want everyone to know that what I post comes from what I received through reading the Bible. Please please a hundred times please, go read the scriptures for yourself.

I just want my friends to experience the freedom there is in Christ.

"There is therefore now now condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" Romans 8:1